• Meyer is a community.

          With an active and vibrant Parent Kesher (PTO), premier events, family activities, and more, your family can get involved, connect, and engage to become a part of our dynamic community.

          "My family chose Meyer because of the warm, nurturing environment and high level of individualized academics. After both of our kids graduated, as a Meyer family, we gained not only a top-notch education that prepared them for high school and college but a wonderful community of friends.”

          – Parent of Meyer Prep graduate
        • Your Gift Makes an Impact.

          There is no investment more important and meaningful than the investment in our community’s children.

          Meyer Prep’s exceptional program is only possible with support from our local community donors. Like most independent schools, Meyer Prep relies on financial support to deliver an outstanding education to our students, as tuition covers only a percentage of the operating expenses of the school each year.  Thank you for your continuous support.

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Judaic Studies

These are the ties that bind.

The Hebrew and Judaic Studies curriculum is directly tied into the life of every student. It aligns perfectly with our philosophy including International Baccalaureate®. The courses sharpen critical thinking skills, fuel self awareness and international-mindedness. They provide a context for what we believe, how we act, and why being an honorable person is so important. These are the lessons of community and character that help make the mensch.
Meyer Prep provides your child the knowledge and positive reinforcement of identity, values and traditions. Developing Jewish identity and a love of Judaism are important aspects of our entire education mission.
Your child gains an understanding and appreciation of Jewish history, holidays, laws, customs, oral and written traditions, ceremonies, prayers as well as the history, role and geography of Israel.
Concluding your child’s 8th grade year and Meyer Prep formal education is the life-changing spring trip to Israel. Here, your child shines with independence, maturity, curiosity and kindness. Traveling abroad while applying acquired knowledge of self, our traditions and the people of Israel, these soon-to-be-graduates use their language skills and showcase their informed worldview. This is the last step before the next big step, entrance into the high school of their choosing.


The global language of the Jewish people.

Meyer Prep uses an immersion program. The spiral curriculum is taught by native Israelis. Hebrew is taught primarily in Hebrew. Like
every aspect of our curriculum, Hebrew is learner-centered, focusing on your child’s natural learning style. Developing the capacity to learn
Hebrew language structures enables your child to learn other world languages more readily.

The Hebrew online program for middle school students, iHebrew, focuses on acquisition of high-level spoken skills and required language
skills, including reading, writing and comprehension. Our rigorous IB middle school Hebrew curriculum language acquisition translates into high school credit for a second language for up to two years, Hebrew I for the 7th grade year and Hebrew II for the 8th grade year. 

Kindergarten Hebrew lessons open your child’s mind and heart to their Jewish identity. It is here that the foundation is laid for all future
Hebrew study and application.

In Kindergarten, the elementary and upper schools, Hebrew language is taught using a multi-modal approach. Simply put, the more ways
your child learns Hebrew the more it will be retained and applied. Hebrew is taught as both a modern, living language and a historic language.

“Hebrew is fundamental to authentic learning and understanding of
Jewish heritage and serves as a gateway to traditional Jewish texts
and prayers. It connects your child to the history, culture and modern
State of Israel. It prepares your child for leadership within the Jewish
and wider communities.”


Am Yisrael Chai.

During WWII, 1,564 Torah scrolls were taken by the Nazis from synagogues all over Bohemia and Moravia. They survived the Holocaust, stored in an old, dilapidated synagogue in Prague. In 1964, the Torah scrolls were purchased and brought to London’s Westminster Synagogue and given to the care of the newly-established Czech Memorial Scrolls Trust.
The Trust repaired the scrolls and loaned them out to synagogues around the world. Meyer Prep is honored to be the recipient of Czech Torah #555. The scroll resides in our Beit Midrash. We are honored to be the guardians of this Torah scroll. It represents the unbroken spirit of the Jewish people. We are privileged to be able to physically fulfill the sharing of Jewish tradition mi-dor le-dor - from generation to generation - as we hold this Torah.
photo: rescued czech torah 555 now in the beit hamidrash at meyer preparatory
ARTHUR I. MEYER JEWISH PREPARATORY SCHOOL at the Melvin J. & Claire Levine Center for Jewish Learning
5225 Hood Rd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
P: 561.686.6520 | F: 561.686.8522 | Email: info@meyerprep.org

A Proud Partner of Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
© Copyright 2019-2023 Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Preparatory School
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