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          "My family chose Meyer because of the warm, nurturing environment and high level of individualized academics. After both of our kids graduated, as a Meyer family, we gained not only a top-notch education that prepared them for high school and college but a wonderful community of friends.”

          – Parent of Meyer Prep graduate
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          Meyer Prep’s exceptional program is only possible with support from our local community donors. Like most independent schools, Meyer Prep relies on financial support to deliver an outstanding education to our students, as tuition covers only a percentage of the operating expenses of the school each year.  Thank you for your continuous support.

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5th Grades Showcases Custom Chanukiyot

Fifth-grade students completed an in-depth exploration of 3D design, modelling and printing while using an engineering AutoCAD software called TinkerCad.

They practiced manipulating shapes, making holes, and connecting objects to make a printable three-dimensional design. Working through the design cycle, students questioned how a 3D printer works, experimented as they learned more about the AutoCAD software, and then created and tested their own practice designs.

Jewish Studies came to life in the Innovation Lab as 5th graders applied their knowledge of what makes a kosher chanukiah (menorah for Chanukah) as they each designed and then printed their own unique chanukiah that is able to hold candles. These will make a beautiful addition to each student's Chanukah celebration.

Check out the video below showcasing the incredible chanukiyot our talented 5th-grade students designed!


Lighting Up Chanukah with Creativity
Saddle Up in the Sukkah
ARTHUR I. MEYER JEWISH PREPARATORY SCHOOL at the Melvin J. & Claire Levine Center for Jewish Learning
5225 Hood Rd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
P: 561.686.6520 | F: 561.686.8522 | Email: info@meyerprep.org

A Proud Partner of Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
© Copyright 2019-2023 Arthur I. Meyer Jewish Preparatory School
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